Monday, June 26, 2017

Common Tax Problems in Idaho Falls

 New software is making it so many people are starting to do their taxes at home. Even with all the updates in this new technology, taxpayers filing their own taxes, without the help of a professional still seem to be running into common tax problems and mistakes. According to there are 10 common tax problems that people run into when filing without consulting a professional or a CPA. Some of the common tax problems are:
Common Tax Problems

  • Math Miscalculations and Computation Errors  - One of the most common problems, when filing your own taxes is bad math. Though there is no penalty for “wrong” math, you still might experience a delay or a different amount than you thought you would be receiving in your tax return, if not caught quickly enough. If you underpay on your taxes because of a miscalculation you might also receive a penalty for late and under payment of your taxes. Computation errors are another common mistake.Just like miscalculated math, this common tax problem occurs when a tax filer incorrectly enters the taxable income, withholding and estimated tax payments.
  • Direct Deposit Dangers - A wrong account or routing number could cause you to lose your tax return completely. A CPA at Poston, Denney, & Killpack can help you create a plan that will avoid losing your money by filing a form 8888.
  • Additional Income, Additional Filing Work - Independent contractors have additional filing work on their taxes. Forgetting the additional filing work could result in a possible late filing penalty if not caught in time.
  • Missing the Deadline - Many people hold off until the very end to file their taxes. As long as you press enter or your tax return is postmarked by the deadline in April, you should be OK. If you still are unable to send your forms by the deadline, you then need to file a Form 4868, this will give you a six month extension. If you owe any taxes be sure to send it with your extension request. If you do not, you could face late or non filing penalties.

How To Avoid Common Tax Problems in Idaho Falls

When you consult with a CPA at Poston, Denney, & Killpack we can help you avoid the above problems and avoid any penalties or delays of your tax return. Even if you have the most up to date software for filing your taxes, nothing beats the assistance of an experienced tax preparation CPA. We help you avoid common tax problems by offering the following tax preparation services:

  • Checking your tax return for any possible miscalculations, computation errors, and recent name changes that the IRS may look at.
  • Filing your return electronically and safely by filling out a Form 8888
  • How to adjust your payroll so you can get more money back every week.
  • Show you any possible additional deductions that will limit your tax liability for the next year
  • Own a business? We offer small business tax preparation services as well. We keep your books organized so you can get back to running your business.

Idaho Falls Property Taxes

Idaho Falls Property Taxes

If you own a home, you are subject to property tax. Property tax is a tax that homeowners must pay every year. This tax can vary all over the state of Idaho since percentages can vary from county to county. Poston, Denney, & Killpack CPA’s can help you put money aside for property taxes and help you assess what your property taxes may include based on the value of your property. So what is property tax? According to Wikipedia,“Under a property-tax system, the government requires or performs an appraisal of the monetary value of each property, and tax is assessed in proportion to that value.” These taxes are what help to fund community services. Towns use the levied taxes to help pay for schools, law enforcement, emergency responder wages, road construction and pay for trash and snow removal and any other services that help the community.

How are Property Taxes in Idaho Falls Levied?

The county assessor, calculates the total property tax levy by projecting the needs of the city or county for the year. Then they will calculate what the total budget is for the cost of all the needs of the community. This projected amount is that put against the amount of total residential properties. This final amount is what creates the percentage for that years property tax levy. Then the county assessor applies the percentage rate to assessed value of the home to determine what the homeowner will pay that year in property taxes. The Bonneville county assessor also defends values or appraisals using current sales information of comparable properties and makes adjustments accordingly. You can get a rough estimate for your house using this property tax calculator.
Idaho Falls Property Taxes

How Are Idaho Falls Property Taxes Collected?

There are a couple of ways that your Idaho Falls property taxes will be collected.One way that property taxes are collected is through a yearly imposition. Homeowners will be notified of the tax levy in early spring. Homeowners will then have six to nine months to put money aside to pay their property tax. This where you will want to have a consultation from an Idaho Falls CPA to help you choose the best options to save your money for the levy. These taxes are collected at the end of the year. Another way that Idaho Falls property tax is levied, is quarterly. Instead of a large sum due at the end of the year, the county assessor splits the tax into four payments throughout the year. This can help reduce the hardship of trying to save a much larger sum of money all at once. CPA’s can help to manage and possibly even reduce the cost of your property taxes.

CPAs for Idaho Falls Property Taxes

CPA’s can help reduce the risks of incomplete or late filings and help you take advantage of exemptions and other tax-mitigation opportunities. Contact Poston, Denney, & Killpack today for your free consultation for property taxes in Idaho Falls.